
Whether you are a Brand New Student or a Seasoned Competitor, our friendly and knowledgable staff is fully invested in helping you reach your potential.


10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu

10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu is a non-traditional no-gi jiu-jitsu system developed by Eddie Bravo. The system is designed for real-life encounters by incorporating and promoting flexibility, unusual positions, and an attacking mindset. As a result, No-gi jiu-jitsu is not just a fundamental base for mixed martial arts; it is also a great self-defense technique and an amazing way to get in shape. Whether you are a beginner or professional competitor, our world-class instruction welcomes students of all skill levels to grow in their training and be creative in developing their own style.

10th planet Etobicoke feature instructor is amongst the best in the world teaching progressive and innovative techniques that are on the cutting edge of no-gi grappling. Our classes are filled with both fundamental and advanced technical instruction. We break down every sequence, position or transition, so everyone from high-level black belts to even the newest practitioner will grow in their training.